Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Has Your Organization Implemented a Customer Relationship Management App?

If your salesforce is like most others in America, it’s a highly mobile team. They are probably going into the field with a smartphone, a tablet computer, or both. Are those devices armed with a quality customer relationship management app that allows them to report their sales calls from the field?

It’s no secret that mobile technology has hit the salesforce as hard as it has in the general public, not only in America but across the globe. Back in 2011, industry experts predicted that mobile Internet usage would overtake desktop Internet usage by 2014. India beat that prediction and had already surpassed desktop usage in 2013.

In 2009, just as the smartphone revolution was in its infancy, roughly one percent of Internet traffic was derived from mobile devices. That jumped to 13 percent by 2013 and is quickly rising.

Pew Research said that as of January of this year 90 percent of American adults have a cell phone, 58 percent have a smartphone and 42 percent own a table computer. The percentages within the business community are likely much higher, which means adopting and embracing mobile CRM has to play a crucial role in the success of your sales department.

An indication that the corporate world had embraced mobile technology before the average consumer is found in the fact that as early as 2008, around 50 percent of enterprises and more than 40 percent of small- to medium-sized businesses were either using mobile apps or developing them. By the end of 2012 as many as 110 CRM applications were available in Apple’s App Store.

Mobile CRM works by connecting your sales team to the customer data that you’ve stored and analyzed to create better relationships with your customer base. When your sales team has a
customer relationship management app, they gain access to real-time data while they are out of the office.

Gartner, an information technology research group, estimates that the growth rate for the customer relationship management app will hit 500 percent this year.

The success rate of the customer relationship management app has not been that great for the sales departments that have tried to implement the technology. The main reason for this lack of buy-in from the salesforce is that most mobile CRM is not built to the specifications and unique needs of the mobile sales team.

Your mobile CRM probably includes a reporting tool that is too time-consuming for your sales reps to even consider using. Yet this activity is important because it gives you insights into what your sales team is doing, how they choose to communicate and the success ratios within those communications.

Front Row Solutions has developed a customer relationship management app that allows your sales managers to get all the information they need out of their sales teams, quickly and easily. The app requires no lengthy training periods (which is another reason buy-in fails) and allows your team to send a sales call report from their mobile device in 30 seconds or less. If you want to test the app to see if this kind of success is really possible, give us a call and we’ll set you up on a free Front Row Solutions demo. Schedule your free launch today.